Google Explained: How this Search Engine Works

 I bet that everyone reading this will have used google at least once today. Google, a modest search engine has now become an indespensable part of our life. Only a few of us have actually wondered, 'How does this thing work?'. This is precisely what I am going to cover in this post.

The official logo of Google

The steps that Google takes to get information from billions of web pages are explained below-

Step 1: Crawling- Crawling refers to looking for new websites, updated web pages, blogs, etc. Basically, Google's algorithms look for websites across the web. For example, once Google has crawled this website(Texplainers), it knows that this website exists on the web and starts showing it in search results.

Step 2: Indexing- Once Google finds the website, it analyses its content and adds it to its huge library of webpages. This library is called an index and hence the word indexing. SEO or Search Engine Optimisation refers to making your site easier for search engines to find an analyse. Having a good SEO helps in driving more traffic to your site.

Step 3: Ranking- When a user types something into the search box, Google looks in its enormous library to figure out which page might be most relevant with respect to the user's location, language, etc. This is called ranking.

Ads vs Organic Content

In Google, ads are usually displayed in the right hand side of the search results or under the tag 'Sponsered Links'. These websites pay money to Google to appear at the top of the search results.

However, organic content refers to the content that has been put there by Google, and has not been paid for. Google also states that Ads do not affect the position of organic content in the search results.

That is all for this post on Google. Please follow this blog to get more mind blowing content on technology.

Until next time,

Aarav Iyer




  1. Nice blog...
    Wait... It seems like my idea!
    Whole system of Google explained in just 3 paras. OP efforts!
    Keep going!

  2. Very nicely done. Insightful and Informative.. Keep it up!

  3. lovely dear aarav bhaiya :)
    its mesmerising and mind boggling

  4. i wrote it ditto in my project and got selectd for state level.......want to meet you and thank you so much arav

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