A Look Into India's Tech Advancements in 77 Years of Independence

 TEXPLAINERS wishes you a Happy Independence Day!!

 Readers, today we will be looking into the technological advancement in India in 77   years of   independence.

 Tech advancement in India 

  • Setting up of ISRO: ISRO or Indian Space Research Organisation  was set up in the year 1969. Its main founder was Vikram Sarabhai, on whose name a space station has been kept,  Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre.  ISRO had many achievements in these years, like 
  1.  431 Foreign Satellites 
  2. Development of GSLV
  3. Development of PSLV
  4. Development of RLV ( Reusable Launch Vehicle)
  5. Launching of 15 student satellites
  6. 124 Spacecraft Missions  launched 
  7.  Successful Launch of Chandrayaan 1. 
  8. Planned Historical  missions like Gaganyaan ( ISRO's Human Space entry mission), Aaditya  L1 (ISRO's Solar exploration mission)
  9. 2  Re-entry  missions 
  10. 93  Successful  missions 
  11. 3 satellites launched by private players
  12. Successful launch of Chandrayaan 3 

(There are inumerable achievements in ISRO's history. These cannot be covered in this post alone, we will post a detailed article on ISRO's achievements soon.)

  •  Setting up of DRDO : DRDO or the Defence Research & Development Organisation  is an important part if the national security. DRDO has contributed many significant technologies to the Indian ARMY , Indian NAVY, Indian AIR FORCE such as
  1. Development of BRAHMOS
  2. Development of AKASH 
  3. Development of PANCHI 
  4. Development of 130 mm SP Vijayanta Catapult 
  5. Development of VARUNASTRA 
  6. Aerostat Health Monitoring System 
  8. 5kW brushless DC Generating System for LCA Tejas 
  9. Arjun Main Battle Tank Mk I
  10. Anti Torpedo Decoy System 
  11. Arjun MBT Mk IA
  12. Under-development NEXT-GEN projects like AMCA 
  13. Arjun Armoured Recovery & Repair Vehicle ( Arjun ARRV)

(There are innumerable achievements in DRDO's history. These cannot be covered in this post alone, we will post a detailed post on DRDO's achievements soon.)

  • POKHRAN NUCLEAR TESTS: Pokhran Nuclear Mission is India's Nuclear journey which were successful. On 11th May 1998, India successfully conducted its underground nuclear tests in POKHRAN  in Rajasthan. It all began with the Atal Bihari Vajpayee-led BJP govt came to power . Nuclear Tests became a necessity to show our power tot he world and was hence named OPERATION SHAKTI . It had become a way to show power,  which would be much required after the Indo-China war in 1962 and the Indo-Pak war in 1965.
    Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee at Pokhran after the first successful nuclear test on India
    Pokhran was the chosen one,  as the place was devoid of human settlements, and the temp there would soar up to 50 degrees, due to which sandstorms were generated. The sandstorms were the perfect thing to hide the nuclear weapons from the CIA which was watching India from the satellites in space. 
  • The NUCLEAR NON-PROLIFERATION TREATY was doing rounds in the meantime which would disallow any country which signed it from nuclear testing. Onions were very much helpful so as to absorb the radioactive gases which were released by the nuclear test. CTBT ( Comprehensive Ban Treaty ) was a treaty which disallowed any country from testing nuclear weapons in Land, Air, or Water. Indians, finding a loophole conducted a nuclear test underground  which had no mention in the UN Treaty.   At 3:43 AM the test was successfully conducted. Many countries including USA, Japan sanctioned India in many ways which had adverse affects to the Indian Economy. 
Thank You
Aniruddha KP

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  1. bhaiya this post is fascinating but VERRRRY eagerly waiting for araav bhaiya's post

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