About This Blog

Texplainers is a blog originally started by Aarav Iyer and Aniruddha KP, with the first post being published on 20 January 2023, and soon joined by their close friend Lightspeed.

Read our very first post here- What's the Buzz About ChatGPT?

This blog contains infromation on the a-z of technology, as well as the latest technology news. You can find articles on a variety of topics ranging from AI to the James Webb Space Telescope.

The one of the 2 official logos of Texplainers

Texplainers shall soon be expanding into topics related to other areas of science, such as physics, biology, etc. as well. Stay tuned!

The second official logo of Texplainers

However, citing personal reasons, Lightspeed and Aniruddha have resigned from their posts of editors at Texplainers on 15th June 2023, leaving Aarav Iyer as the sole editor.

Our most popular and successful post till date is the one about Chandrayaan-3's successful soft landing on the south pole of the Moon, accumulating more than 50 views within 2 hours of it being published.

The post has recieved around 300 views and 15 comments from different people. It is also the fastest post we have ever written, being published 16 minutes after Chandrayaan-3 succesfully soft-landed on the Moon!

You can read the post here- Chandrayaan-3 Brightens the Surface of the Dark Side of the Moon.

Texplainers also has a sister site, namely Cosmexplainers, that gives mind blowing information about Astronomy, Astrophysics and our Universe.

Aarav Iyer