Computing Power

 Computing Power: What is it and why it is important 

 Computing Power is the ability of a computer to execute complex functions and calculations. It refers to   the speed at which the computer can perform tasks and handle data. It can be used  to describe both hardware and software. Computing Power is usually counted in FLOPS (Floating Point Operations Per Second). Computing Power depends upon the number of processors. 

Why Computing Power is Important 

Computing Power is important to decrease the time taken to perform an operation. Till date, even with 4096 bit Processors, there are several problem which take several months to solve (by a computer and not a human). 

Factors Affecting Computing Power:

  • Number of Processors: The number of Processors in the computer adversely affects the Computing Power. Also, the speed of the Processors affects the Computing Power. Faster the Processors , higher the Computing Power.

  •    Memory Capacity: A computers computing power increases with its Memory Capacity. It increases with the RAM with highest speed.

  • OS: The different OS have different requirements. They are therefore compatible with systems with low Computing Power. 
    Similarity b/w RPA and Computing Power 

    They both are similar as they both assist automation processes. RPA is a software which might be configured to perform tasks like data entry and report creation.

    A computer can perform complicated tasks that need high processing power  like executing tasks and storing data. Also, higher power is needed for performing RPA effectively.

    Thank You
    Aniruddha KP


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